Ce mă uimește, este cum poate o fată frumoasă sau cel puțin promisiunea unei iubiri din partea unei frumuseți necunoscute să transforme un bărbat în toată firea într-un copil prea uşor de păcălit. Înşelătoria am mai întâlnit-o. A fost folosită chiar şi de nişte români care au escrocat cu o metodă identică sute de mii de euro. Iată povestea așa cum mi-a fost relatată de un cititor al blogului.
“E o chestie de acum putine zile si daca nu eram atent si eram un credul o pateam.Nu vreau sa te plictisesc, dar o gramada de barbati din intreaga lume au luat o tzeapa din asta si cu siguranta ca mai sunt multi chiar si din Romania care sunt in cursa.
E vorba de o fata din Rusia sau cel putin asa spune ea, care scrie mailuri la diferite adrese de yahoo, toate cu nume de barbati in limba engleza.Mi-a scris inclusiv mie iar eu i-am raspuns.
Scrie ca e o fata de 25 ani din Rusia de undeva de langa orasul Irkutsk ( e pe langa Lacul Baikal ) si ca si-ar dori sa mearga sa munceasca undeva in Europa sau USA si de asemenea sa cunoasca barbatul visurilor ei.Mai mult trimite si o gramada de poze de fiecare data.Asa a ajuns sa imi trimita vreo cateva mailuri cu o gramada de poze, inclusiv cu o copie color dupa pasaportul ei, iar in fiecare mail imi spune ca isi doreste enorm sa ma cunoasca, ca vrea sa vina in Romania la mine etc.Mai mult imi spune ca are ceva agentie care ii va aranja actele si locul de munca oriunde in Europa si loc de cazare.Intr-una dintre scrisori imi spune ca merge la Moscova sa aranjeze cu firma si in cateva zile imi da detalii de calatorie.(Deja dupa al 6 mail ajunsesem sa imi spuna ca vine in Romania la mine cat mai curand posibil ).Evident ca nu am pus botul si am continuat sa ii joc jocul sa vad de fapt ce vrea.
Ca in al 7 mail sa imi spuna ca de fapt nu are toti banii de calatorie, ca mama ei i-a dat vreo 300 de Euro dar ar mai avea nevoie de vreo 990 de Euro si daca nu o pot ajuta sa ii trimit banii astia prin Western Union, imi da si adresa din Moscova unde sta acuma si cu ce avion vine etc.Vazand ce vrea, eu ii propun sa ii platesc eu biletul aici si sa il trimit la Moscova specificand totusi ca nu il poate vinde si nu il poate schimba.
Vazand asta, fata mi-a raspuns ca nu se poate asa, ca agentia ei rezolva tot si are nevoie de fapt de bani cash.La care eu fortez nota si ii raspund ca ii platesc tot:drum, cazare, ii gasesc loc de munca si ii explic cum sa obtina viza etc.Dupa aceea nu am mai primit nici un mesaj.Evident e o mare TZEAPA.
Cautand mai multe pe internet am aflat ca fata asta chiar exista, dar are alt nume si a trimis mailuri asemanatoare la o gramada de barbati mailuri din intreaga lume, iar unii chiar au trimis banii.Adresa ei este nastasi@clicmail.info.
Am aprofundat cautarile si am dat de linkul http://russiandetective.forumup.org/ptopic1478-russiandetective.html
Aici un tip Pedro a postat mailurile de la ea.Sunt aproape identice cu ale mele.Nici el nu a cazut in plasa.
Daca te intereseaza am sa iti trimit si eu mail-urile pe care le-am primit de la ea si pozele Stiu ca nu e o stire senzationala dar m-am gandit sa iti scriu de treaba asta ca poate poti posta pe site-ul tau ceva sau altundeva de tzeapa asta ca potentialele victime sa se fereasca.”
Iată scrisorile:
Dacă le doriți traduse, scrieți un comentariu și le traduc.
1.Hi my new friend
Im glad to see that you have decided to reply,I see it is very short letter.
It is all right because you are astonished to get my letter.
I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I have not any secrets.
The thing is that I will work in your country for three months or so and
I would like to meet a nice man to fall in love or just be closest friends.
I don’t want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,
it is hardly possible to explain from first time but I want you to know my plans.
I will work in any shop, bar or restaurant the agency that i am going through will suggest me some locations.
It will be my choice in the end as to what option to go for.
So I will have a simple work till I improve my English.. And I can choose any
town of your area,agency will only help me to get a visa and all travel documents + some suggested placed to work in.
My best friend last year met the man from the USA when she worked there for three months, too.
She had two jobs. From morning till 4 pm she worked in amusement park and after it she worked as a waitress in some bar till midnight.
She was very tired of course but made very good money there.
It is special programm for young people who wants to work abroad and I think it is the right way for me ,
I am lost here,and I think that I look pretty enough to find a better place .I want to repeat the same way,it is
only my chance to meet a nice man.I want to work in USA or in Europe or any
nice country. I am full of plans and different dreams and I want to share my
life with good man because I’m also full of love and tenderness,I know that
I am not so beautiful like Hollywood Princess but I do hope to meet my Prince and
I am sure he will be not be disappoined to meet me in the real life! This is why I am going to go through the same way.
Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply.
I will leave russia in two weeks or so (I can’t tell you everything exactly
right now) and I would like tobe sure that I have the man who waits for me there. I will work all day and I want to find a man to spend all free time
together to get to know each other better.if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet you too.
I will tell you all details about me and my life if you like my pictures and
want to meet me! please send picture of you too!!!
I write to you with my new mailbox nastasi@clicmail.info, please write
letters now only on this mailbox.
I will wait your next letter.
Kiss you , Anastasiya (this is my name)!
2.Hello my dear (I can name you „my dear” ?),thank you for your answer!
At first I think I have to say that I am new in internet and I have only good intentions.
you should know that I am not very good writer in english, please be patient to read my
messages and see many mistakes. to be fair I don’t know what you want to know about me,in principle
I am usual girl.I think I should tell you about me, my interests,tastes and hobbies.I think I will tell you
about things I want to know about you and you will know my future questions.
I am 25 years old,my birthday is October, 18, 1982. I so much don’t want to get older ,when I can see old women I am
getting crazy to think that it is my future .I do all the best to keep my youth and I keep my body well.In spite of all
difficultes here I am trying to be in good condition and I do a lot of exercises to be in good shape!
I am about 172 cm tall (5.6) and my weight is about 56 kg. I’ve been told I look well enough ,
and I think that all women have own beaty. I have never been married and I don`t have children.
I have one youngest sisters and it is great problem for us because we have only two rooms flat.you can’t imagine what does it mean to be born
in small town in Russia,there are not any chances to live well,to get a good job.All young people leave towns to search
great luck in big cities but nobody waits for them there. I want to leave Russia,I know it sounds ugly but I know that I
will be lost here like many young girls before me. It is not place to grow children and have stable future.I want to meet my right man .
I think in future I can work as fitness trainer I have a certificate. My mother is my great problem too,she has a great dream to see me
married and she wants to make me happy but I think it is only my business I am not a little child. She tells me every day
that I should get married very soon… To be fair I am not sure I am able to explain all in first message I
want to say so much! I just want you to know that I am not afraid to work,I am fairly goal
oriented and I am sure you will be not disappoined to meet me in real life.I am going to spend three months
abroad to work in any good place,agency promises to help me because it is only the way I can leave Russia.I will have all documents
to travel in a few days and i will travel to moscow then,from moscow I will travel to you and they ask me about name of the city i am going to work,
if you don’t mind to meet me please tell me the name of your city and nearest international airport! I will book my flight from moscow!
I think it would be so great to meet my love and stay there forever.I know that it is not so easy like I think but I think it is possible that I meat my real love.
I want to love and to be loved I want to build our own happiness,only me and my man there. I don’t smoke,I tried to smoke when I was younger.
I may have a glass of red dry vine,sometimes it helps to relax. I try to take care of my body and face. I know it is all I have.
My soul may have any itnterst for you later, I thinkso.I am not a little girl and I know that at first almost all men look
at body ,legs and face.God created males such persons. Well,I think I am lost in my letter,I am not sure you
understand my goals,please feel free to ask.
I live in Russia,town Shelekhov, Sosnovaya street 3,flat 7,it is near big city Irkutsk.
My town is rather far from Moscow. Moscow is a capital of my country. I want you to reply if you understand my mind,my intentions,my soul,if
not please reply too, I will continue my searching. Well, I will close this letter,I think you are tired to read
it.and If you think that I should write shorter letters please tell me. I write from internet cafe in
Irkutsk because there are not cafes and possibility to use internet in my small town,we have 4 digital phone number and we
can’t call abroad.Even to call in any big town here in Russia I have to order the call in advance.and I would like to say
please don’t worry if I keep silence sometimes I have no time to travel ,it is about 25 minutes by bus from my town till Irkutsk
Please tell me more about you,your tastes,likes and dislikes .also I have a few impotant questions do you
like strong drinks too much?can you be very drunk?very ofthen?can you be rude with women?
Well,I have to stop or I will write without ending.Kiss you !see you later. In my next e-mail I will write you more things about myself and
more details about my trip and work. I will miss you, your Anastasiya
3.Hello my dear
I am so glad to see your letter again,I think I am a lucky girl to meet such man and I will do my best to meet you in real life!
you know I can work in any city of your area because it is free choice and agency only helps me to get
only travel documents and ticket, and I do hope that we will like each other and now I have the destination.
The agency will also suggest some places to work in. I do hope I have met my right man!you know I have told you before one
of my friend worked abroad last year and have met right man,now they live there and they are going to
marry. by the way now they are arranging the trip to Russia,(he wants to meet her parents and friends)
I think if I feel that you are my dream and you have the same feelings we could think about our future together.
if not I will just work and return back when the time to travel back. you know I am new here and I am afraid to make any mistake.
I have one great lack,I am very impatient sometimes I can act without thinking.
Sometimes I think that my dream is getting for real and it is so bad to be disappointed later.
I want you to know all small things about me because it shouldn’t be any misunderstandings between us.
I want you to know that I am not angel and sometimes I can show my character.And I don’t wait that you to be angel too, I just want to meet a kind man .
I am very kind and I can forgive almost all I can’t forgive if my man sleep with different woman, I don’t know many nessesary words in english.
I hope you can read between lines. A little more about myself!
my favorite activity is fitness. I wanted to be as fitness trainer but
I finished The Irkutsk State Univercity, trainers faculty as fitness
trainer but I don’t work on my profession because there are no good fintess clubs in my city,
I used to sit at home and to do all housework,helping my mom. I would like to have good job,
I may work dancing teacher, or trainer of fitness,you know I have a certificate. I worked as a trainer a year ago .
and I would like to do it again .you know how many more younger girls want to get this job too!Alot of competition here. I want to tell you about things I like:
I like to make barbecue and I so much want to have my own home with fireplace.
usually I make very tasty ones and in principle I like to cook and it is not problem for me to cook something tasty and I don’t like to visit cafes and restaurants,
at first usually they can’t cook weel(maybe only here) and second too high price.
I like warm weather. and my great dream is to live somewhere on tropical island. Also I want to tell you about my dislikes:
I hate our long winters it seems to me they will never end. I hate lies and unfaithfulness.
I hate evil people and politicans I think they like to play wars, I hate any ars.
What I like in a man: faithfulness, honesty. He has to be open- minded and open-hearted, also easy-going. and much more important he is kind,kindness makes our world!
Are you kind and gentle man ?????
I think my man should be kind ,it is great feeling after love,only kind person may be happy, all rude people are unhappy.
or must be. A few questions yet, agency tells that I will have a room in nearest hotel near my future
work but if we like each other may be is it possible to live together?I think we will enjoy life together. do you have your car?animals? I
can’t drive and I do hope you give me a few lessons, to be fair I have so many plans .I will find out all travel details
about my flight this week. I will leave my town today in a two hours and i think I will be not able to write to you today or so.
When I am in Moscow I will send you short letter to let you know that I am all right and they tell that it takes about two days to
get all nesseary papers, please confirm your phone number and international airport, I want to be sure I have all your details and
Please don’t look at different girls. I am the best(joke). Well, I will close this letter I think I am bore today,and please feel
free to ask. See you soon!I can’t believe everything is for real. to be fair I am lost and my head is like any big station with a lot of voice!
KISS and LOVE Anastasiya!
4.My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in Moscow. I can’t believe ,it was wonderful flight and they gave red vine in plane, wow,I have never tried
such tasty one!!!!!
I went the bus up to the Subway from the airport .In Subway long went, it was so is delightful
I was in travel agency today, but my documents are not ready yet, it will be ready tomorrow.
I will go to travel agency again to get all info about my trip. And of course, when I will get it – I will send it to you!
It is such great city and it takes a few hours to travel from one end to other.
I rented the flat for few days.
People said to me some nice places in Moscow while he was
Such a great city it is. I have no words to explain. you can’t imagine how great Moscow is,to be fair I wouldn’t like to
live here,a lot of cars,people , voice and pollution.Ugly traffic and people with crazy eyes.
When I get off plane in airport Moscow policeman asked about passport and he looked at me like I am any enemy,
I think all people here are a little crazy at terrorism.Life here in Moscow is expensive. I was going through some shops today
and it is much more expensive than in our town. Food and all the general things. It is the same country but different prices, what a great change.
I think people living in Moscow are very cautious ,I think so. But I think that I have done my choice and to be fair I don’t want to
live here,it is not the city of my dreams. you know I am not coward I am not afraid I know it is my chance to meet
kind man .I do hope I am right. and I think you are too kind to make any bad things I feel it.
Well,I will close this letter ,please write as soon as possible!see
you soon! KISS . Great kiss from moscow!!!!!!!!! Anastasiya
5. TRAVEL INFO : Anastasiya Okoulowa
> ––––––––––––––––––
> © Travel Agency Alfa-Betta .
> ––––––––––––––––––
> TRAVEL INFO : Anastasiya Okoulowa – private tour.(work visa)
> ––––––––––––––––––
> Travel dates for: Ms. Anastasiya Okoulowa
> Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to
> be checked in with your name and where possible your address.
> Suitable baggage labels and
> stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.
> please note the current free baggage allowance included in your
> ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via
> your Airline contact
> person. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can
> be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel
> abroad for less than 5 months,
> it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on
> the country to be visited and the student’s nationality, it may be
> necessary to apply for a
> visitor visa.The student must have: a valid passport or travel document, valid
>visa .
> Furthermore, page 4 must be signed by the RO. No special
> permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid
> passport,valid visa and all travel documents.
> Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind regards.” Alfa-Betta”
> is a licensed and
> officially registered travel agency.
> Travel agency Alfa-Betta.
> Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual travelers.
> –––––––––––––––––––––
> Please use our service .Managers: Ms.Vildanowa Liliya. Ms.Svetlova Maria.
> –––––––––––––––––––––
>The nearest possible flight is – August 4, 2008.From Moscow
>Sheremetyevo Inter Airport.
>Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1290.00+
> –––––––––––––––––––––
>This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
>purchased until August 3, 2008.
> –––––––––––––––––––––
Hello my love,I have got all the info and resend to you,
you see I am after visit to consulate and agency and I am so happy to say that
we will meet in a few days!!!!
I am really lucky girl to meet you.Honey the thing is that I booked nearest possible
flight .I need only your help. there is only a small problem but I am sure we will be able to solve.I wanted to
ask you to help me to pay for tickets but they tell that
I can’t use your help or ask you about sending me tickets because I have
permission to use the help of agency only because they do all travel things and it is their
business to arrange all travel things for my jorney,it is the law.and it is not
possible to get work visa without help of agency,too strong laws.
I was sure that my mom will help me becasue she promised but now she sent telegram
that it is possible only in a few months or so because of
family problems.and she can’t send transfer now.I was in the bank to try to ask
them about loan but they tell I have to have something to stay them
and I have nothing to stay because I have only a few
dress and things,some perfume and it is all I have,and small gift for you from
russia with love.and I think it is not great problem for you
to help me.I even think that maybe it will give you the pleasure to help me
because you are my knight,rught? after all payments here and travel by plane I have about 300$ my own money and
I need about 990$ from your side,because I have to pay for ticket and a
few thigs yet,and I have to pay in advance about 1290$ and if the tickets will
cost less i will get some money back. when we meet
I will return this sum and some extra money because to send thransfer costs
money too.I have to be sure that I will be able to book it or I will lose all the money I gave them
in advance.I’m not going to ask one more time for your
help,you see I am in hard situation.I will be waiting for your answer .I know it
sounds like I am pooroutsider but you see I have not
time or somebody to ask about help,you know my mom gave me all that we with mom
could collect for my travel.I hate to ask but now I don’t have any other choice.you saw all my body and I believe you I have
done almost all here and now I need some help from you,please help me to leave Moscow and
it is all I ask now and you know I am full of the love to share with you. Kiss
you, counting days and minutes before our meeting.you know it is only money ,and I think that
it is not too hard for you to help me ,you see I have such chance only once in
my life.I know you are kind man and I do hope you will be
able to help me.I promise I will return all the money .and I will earn money
because I am ready to work as hard as possible!
Million Kisses, Your poor Anastasiya you know my rent address here is
Russia, Moscow,
zip 105064,
Kazakova street 13
flat 3. Remember that my full name is
Okoulowa -(last name) .
Anastasiya – (firstname) it is right writting in English, and you should put it on
western union list and you can choice any bank in Moscow,they tell it is
international service and I can get money in any bank of
Moscow. they tell I can get only Western Union or Moneygram transfer because I have not any
bank accounts in Moscow and I have only passport and it is
enough to get it! P.S. I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you
know that if you don’t like me I will not bother you and it is only your choice to spend time with me I
know you may be too busy,and in any case I will return money back .you know I
will have rent room ,job and I want to say that you don’t worry that I want to use you just for my goals.and I
am sure that when we meet we will not regret about
it,promise,and I hate people who imagined so many silly rules and laws.and I
have only small suitcase with me.and I dream about our first
meeting,our first night and I have some sexy night dress with me! and I think
that now everything depends on you my hope and I will check my mail all day and all night
because i can’t sleep if I am not sure that everything is all right and you can help,please dear don’t
leave me alone i have done so much and I am almost near you.
and I can stay more than six months,I can stay longer it is possible if we fall
in love and going to marry.But I think we need time to learn each other.
and as soon as I got transfer ,they tell in the bank you should send me transfer
number and I will be able to get transfer then,
I will send exact schedule and number of the flight and terminal number and time
of my arriving to your airport.
I with the big hope shall wait your letter.
Kissss Your Anastasiya
6.My Dear,I do not wish to speak you farewell words!
It is very a pity to me, that so all has turned out with money!
But without your help I cannot arrive to you.
My relatives cannot help me any more.
Mum has given me almost all of money, that I would arrange to myself this travel.
If you cannot help me, I should come back to myself home.
But I do not want again loneliness. I do not wish to come back home..
I do not wish to remain in Moscow. I do not want anybody except for you.
Above all I wish to continue travel!Only help me with a trip!
I shall necessarily return to you of money as soon as I shall receive the first earnings!
I want to you! I want, that you have surrounded me with tenderness, heat, care.
I wish to think of tomorrow with confidence.I want, that you always were With me.
I wish to fall asleep and wake up with an idea on you (and it is better in your embraces).
I wish to be assured that is necessary to you everywhere and always, now and then.
I wish to look simply in your eyes.I want, that your warm breath warmed to me hands.
I wish to see your smile and the nobility, that it is intended to me.
I want, that every morning me you awoke, instead of an alarm clock.. I wish to be your sun.
I want, that you heated hands in back pockets of my jeans.I want, that you paid off with kisses for rent of pockets.
I wish to belong to you and the nobility, that yours, and you – mine.
I wish to trust you and to not doubt. I wish to hear your voice.
I want, that you missed me and did not find to yourself a place.
I wish to take hold completely of your soul, ideas, all your essence.
I wish to be for you all.I wish to know, that you know this all.
I want, that you loved me.I wish to sit down in the plane and to depart to you
I wish to love you.I grieve without you!
Thanks for your letters and warm words!
I wait from you for good news! I on former hope for your help!
Kiss Anastasiya
7.I can’t ask you about sending me tickets because I have
permission to use the help of agency only because they do all travel things and it is their
business to arrange all travel things
Poze cu “iubirea vieții”
Pentru cei care nu s-au prins, fata vrea bani și toată conversația se desfășoară cu acest scop. Scurt pe doi:
E la mintea cocosului sa nu trimiti bani unor necunoscuti !
Daca vrea omul ar trebui sa si traduca !
Mie poate sa-mi trimita , ca daca nu scrie in limba romana si nu o vad pe webcam , nu-i trimit nici macar o felicitare virtuala pe adresa de e-mail .
…ou saw all my body and I believe you I have….
Unde-s pozele cu „all my body”? Alea trebuie sa fie foarte interesante. Daca le pui si pe alea o sa-ti urce traficul pe blog mai ceva ca rachetele Soyuz lansate de la Baykonur. :)))
stati un pic, ca eu nu m-am prins de unde stiti ca e chiar ea cea care le trimite. poate e unul pus pe facut bani, are niste poze cu ea, datele ei, si acum se distreaza.
daca e ea, poate-i face cineva o vizita, nu de alta :>
nu`i prost cine cere..e prost cine da:D
Cred ca ma apuc si eu sa-mi caut tipe prin Rusia, dar sa-mi trimita niste bani sa platesc internetul si telefonul.
Si acum sa-l condamnam ca avea incredere in cineva.Increderea e omeneasca ,rusine pentru cei care nu dau dovada de aceasta.Poate ca unii dintre noi ar trebui sa mai lucreze la capitolul asta. Si sa nu uitam ca suntem in mileniul iii intr-o lume civilizata.
Eu am primit mailurie de la ea si iti multumesc Robert pt. ceea ce ai scris.Imi place cum gandesti.
Nu pot sa zic ca am avut mai mult de 5% incredere in ea
( sau cine o fi ) si sincer va spun i-am scris mai mult de distractie si plictiseala si nu pentru ca imi cautam jumatatea.Stiam ca urmeaza,( chiar din primele mailuri ), sa imi ceara ceva, bani sau alte foloase, si de asta am continuat jocul sa vad pana unde poate ajunge.De asta cand mi-a propus sa ii trimit banii am folosit tot felul de tertipuri sa nu ii trimit banii ( ca ii cumpar eu bilet de aici, ca ii aranjez tot etc.) si nu am renuntat sa ii mai scriu.Am vrut sa vad care cedeaza primul la scris.A fost pana la urma ea.
Cipoc are perfecta dreptate cand spune ca „nu`i prost cine cere..e prost cine da”.Dar sa stii ca au dat o gramada si sume mult mai mari si ar fi minunat daca nu ar mai trimite nimeni.
Si eu mi-am pus intrebarea ca si cristi daca tipa a scris asta.I-am cerut la un moment dat adresa ei de messenger si ea mi-a raspuns ca nu se pricepe prea mult la calculatoare si nu stie decat sa foloseasca mailul.Evident ca mi-a dat de gandit si stiam ca ascunde ceva (vorbind pe messenger puteam sa ii cer sa isi activeze microfonul si web-ul si atunci cine stie ce surpriza mai aveam).Mai mult imi trimite o copie color dupa pasaport ceea ce pare destul de real ( am zis pare) dar poate sa fie si un tip care i-a furat pozele prietenei sale sau surorii etc. si le posteaza acolo.In incheiere, vreau sa va spun ca am scris pe site-ul acesta cu scopul sa ii atentionez pe cei care vor citi sa nu cada cumva in capcana intinsa de niste excroci, care profitand de naivitatea si sinceritatea unor oameni onesti, reusesc sa faca bani frumosi si nemunciti.
nu e primul(prima) şi nici ultimul(ultima) care face excrocherii din astea… mai sunt şi ăia cu ţeapa nigeriană:
Good afternoon,
I haven’t got a clue what you guys said, but this ‘Dariya’ tried this scam with me, EXACTLY the same letters.
I must be a standard script.
I didn’t fall for it but it had me wondering for a while.
how many blokes have fallen for this I don’t know but.
The girl in the photos is very attractive but I’m not a kid anymore so my dick doesn’t rule my head.
-Warn your mates.
salut,am primit si eu mail-uri de la una din Senegal,in care imi scria niste conturi din care pot sa scot bani sa-i trimit ca sa vina in europa (ea nu putea scoate ca era intr-o tabara de refugiati :))),asa zicea ea) etc..
What a frankly fun writing!