Divorțata din acest serial cu țepe nu este nici „MILF” și nici „divorce”. Poate mai degrabă vreun pușcăriaș transpirat și stătut. Dacă nu este, ar trebui să devină cât mai curând. Mulțumiri lui Costin care mi-a trimis conversația și care s-a gândit la binele vostru.
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 22:49:13 +0200
To: simo.flor89@hotmail.com
Am inteles povestea vietii dvs.
Presupun ca doriti sa va trimit niste bani in avans sa veniti in Romania ca sa nu faceti drumul de pomana:)))
E veche schema.Acum nu mai e cu batranii din Germania e cu sotia divortata :)))
On 07 Mar 2015, at 22:04, Calapod F Simona
Buna seara,
Am primit mesajul dumneavoastra in legatura cu masina mea Skoda Octavia din anul 2008 pe care am pus o la pretul 3100 euro. Masina este in stare perfecta de functionare si nu are absolut nici o problema tehnica sau estetica.
Nu a fost niciodata implicata in accidente si interiorul este ingrijit si nu prezinta urme de uzura, dealtfel am si carte service cu toate reviziile trecute.
Ca sa depasim negocierile si tiganelile legate de pręt va spun ca o las la 3000 euro, dar nici un euro sub acest pręt.
Nu vreau sa par nepoliticoasa, dar momentan nu mai vreau sa vorbesc la telefon pana nu sunt convinsa ca doriti intradevar sa cumparati masina. Eu inteleg ca este normal sa ceri detalii, dar sunt multi care pun 10 intrebari din care 5 nu isi au rostul si foarte multi propun sume derizorii si vor negocieri duse pana la nesimtire.
Masina am cumparat in anul 2011 din Germania impreuna cu sotul meu si este inmatriculata in Romania, am platit taxa la prima inmatriculare si nu am recuperat o, la vremea aceea nu era foarte mare. Eu sunt plecata la munca in Germania. Aici am grija de o doamna in varsta si de gospodaria dansei. Masina este in Bucuresti, acolo am eu domiciliu si am lasat o intr un garaj inchiriat.
Doresc sa vand masina deoarece am un credit la Piraeus bank cu care am ramas in urma si mi au pus niste penaliati foarte mari. Vreau sa achit anticipat deoarece am avut neplacuta surpriza sa dau de aceasta banca pana si aici in Berlin, si chiar nu mi doresc sa fiu considerata o infractoare pentru un credit neplatit. In toamna anului trecut am divortat iar sotul meu a plecat in Spania iar eu sunt momentan in Germania la periferia orasului Berlin.
Cand m am hotarat sa vand masina am luat in calcul ca trebuie sa fac un drum pana acasa pentru vanzare, deci nu ar fi asta o problema, as putea sa vin in 2 zile in tara dar as vrea sa fiu sigura ca dvs chiar doriti sa cumparati masina si aveti banii necesari. Va dati seama ca nu as putea sa fac un drum doar sa vedeti masina fara sa o cumparati. Din partea mea nu este problema sa mergem in service pentru verificare, dar am rugamintea ca dvs sa platiti factura la service pentru constatare.
Daca va place masina astept un raspuns de la dumneavoastra.
Va multumesc
ATENTIE LA TEPARI CU MASINI, jeanmichelpieters@hotmail.com CHARLES LEBASQUE FLORIN POPA charleslesbasque@gmail.com ERA SA O PATESC
mai nou doamna este medic pediatru in Spania si masina un NISSAN QASNQAI este inchisa intr-un garaj inchiriat in Alba IULIA. Nu are pe nimeni in romania si nu da nici un nr de telefon.
I would like to thank you for your interest and i appreciate your intention of buying my Audi A4. The car works and stands in perfect condition, i never had any problems with the engine.
The price is 3000 EURO and i believe it is convenient for us both.
We live in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen (København), located in the Hovedstaden region, a beautiful place on the Sjælland island.
We have a nice place to stay during our summer and winter holidays in D-24105 Kiel. Also the car stands there in our private garage in Kiel.
This is the reason why the car has still deutsche plates and german registration. I bought it from Germany and i am the first owner. It is 100% a german car.
The reason for selling it now is that we are a nice couple of pensioners (i am 67 and my beloved wife is 66 years old), we love spending our time (and money) traveling around the world by plane, so a car is no more useful for us.
If you agree and you are decided for a meeting to see the car and make a test-drive we are ready to make a trip to Germany and meet you personally.
I am sure that we will find a nice city in Germany to arrange a meeting, a region acceptable for us and for you in the same time.
Please tell us, where do you live? We would like to know more about you so we can propose you an appointment.
We have the faith that this will be a good deal!
With kindly danish regards,
Lars Olsen
PS: We have a Dutch neighbour living here in Copenhagen who helped us with the website selling advertisment. My Dutch is limited at just a few words so i wish a lot to continue our conversation in English.
Sau altul la fel
mare mare grija
Thank you for writing back and for the interest in buying my car.
I am 64 and my wife is 63 years old and we intent to sell our second car.
We live in Netherlands, city Den Helder. Is not so far from the German border(200 km).
We use to spend our free time in Germany. We have a nice place to stay during our holidays in the northwestern part of Germany, city Leer(Ostfriesland) near the dutch border. Right now the car is located there in Leer with all documents and both keys.
The car has never been imported (registered) in the Netherlands. I used this car mostly during our holidays in Germany, this is the reason why We decided not to import (register) the car in the Netherlands.
Here is the little history of the car since i’m the owner:
-first owner(1 Hand)
-the car is in very good condition.
-no accidents before or technical problems(engine works perfect).
-no damage, no scratches or dents on the car body.
-this is a non-smokers car.
-the technical inspection (TÜV) is done in March 2017 for the next two years.
-i have changed the oil, air filters and the brakes.
-i have the service book completed with the original mileage.
-the winter tires are included in the price.
If you are decided to buy the car, we will drive to Leer to take car from there and we can fix an appointment.
If you are interested to buy the car we can arrange an appointment somewhere in Germany.
We can meet on Thursday or Friday or next week. When and where do you propose us to meet?
We will wait for your message!
Bastian & Irene Deetman