Mesaj de la un cititor şi apoi cheia şmecheriei:
Guten Tag,
Herr john buzz interessiert sich für ein Fahrzeug aus Ihrem Bestand mit den folgenden Kenndaten: Renault Symbol 1.4
Der Interessent/die Interessentin bittet um eine Rückmeldung unter den folgenden Kontaktdaten:
Telefonnummer: (+49) –
eMail-Adresse: johnbuzz300@yahoo.comFolgender Text wurde vom Kunden eingegeben:
My name is john buzz. I am an America business man based in Ireland. I will like to purchase your for sale which you listed for sale on the posted adds. Do let me know as soon a possible if it is still available and if payment with a Cashier\’s check,Bank Draft or Money order is fine. Concerning the shipping, I have a reputable shipping company that will be coming over directly to your place for the pick up. I await your response. you can contact me here on my email address( ) and get back to me with the asking price and also including your full name,full address and contact phone number on where the payment will be send to. Many thanks and God bless….
Best Regardsend your full addess and you will get the cheque as soon as possible
full name….
full address……………
zip code………………..
last price……………i will be waiting for you
john buzz
Diese Anfrage wurde weitergeleitet am: Freitag, Juni 12, 2009.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr GmbH
Marktplatz 1, D-14532 Europarc Dreilinden
Geschäftsführer: Peter F. Schmid
HRB Nr: 18517 P, Amtsgericht Potsdam
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kleinmachnow
* Kundenservice: 0900 – 1 GO AUTO (0900 – 1 46 2886) für 0,59 EUR EUR/Min. aus dem Festnetz der Deutschen Telekom. Für Anrufe aus einem Mobilfunknetz können höhere Kosten entstehen. Für Details wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Mobilfunkbetreiber.
Bitte antworten Sie nicht direkt auf diese automatisch versendete eMail.XML-Code für die automatisierte eMail-Bearbeitung:
RENAULTSymbol 1.4 03/2005300006200usedPKWjohn buzzjohnbuzz300@yahoo.com49Hello,
My name is john buzz. I am an America business man based in Ireland. I will like to purchase your for sale which you listed for sale on the posted adds. Do let me know as soon a possible if it is still available and if payment with a Cashier\’s check,Bank Draft or Money order is fine. Concerning the shipping, I have a reputable shipping company that will be coming over directly to your place for the pick up. I await your response. you can contact me here on my email address( ) and get back to me with the asking price and also including your full name,full address and contact phone number on where the payment will be send to. Many thanks and God bless….
Best Regardsend your full addess and you will get the cheque as soon as possible
full name….
full address……………
zip code………………..
last price……………i will be waiting for you
john buzz
Hai să o luăm sistematic. Mai întâi acest ” john buzz ” – numele scris cu litere mici şi un nume de familie dacă nu ciudat, atunci extrem de rar. Nu inspiră încredere. Este ca şi cum te-ar chema Ion Sonerie.
Ni se pretintă ca „business man”. Om de afaceri se scrie legat în engleză, mai ales de către vorbitorii nativi.
„I will like to purchase your for sale which you listed for sale on the posted adds” – exprimare de vorbitor de engleză de baltă, adică – Îmi va plăcea să achit al tău pentru vânzare pe care ai listat pentru vânzare în anunţurile postate de tine.
Apoi încearcă să te convingă că are bani şi că va plăti după care va ridica maşina prin intermediul unei „reputable shipping company” adică un transportator foarte credibil.
„send your full addess and you will get the cheque as soon as possible” – îţi trimite el un cec urgent, doar să îi dai datele tale.
full name….
full address……………
zip code………………..
last price……………
i will be waiting for youjohn buzz
Să îţi spun ce urmează? Dacă îi trimiţi datele astea îţi va răspunde că îţi trimite banii şi tu să depui o garanţie într-o agenţie de „escrow” absolut onorabilă. Banii ar ajunge la tine după ce depui garanţia. Bineînţeles că este o ţeapă. Un cumpărător interesat te-ar contacta sau ar vrea să vorbească şi la telefon cu tine. Apoi ar şti din ce ţară eşti şi nu te-ar pune să completezi un asemenea formular precum cel de mai sus. Tocmai formularul dă de gol un alt aspect. Eşti numai una dintre „ţintele” alese. El speră ca măcar o parte dintre cei contactaţi să cadă în plasă. Cel mai probabil este un african reprofilat după ce ţeapa cu scrisoarea de la bancherul care a descoperit un cont cu multe milioane de euro uitate nu mai funcţionează.
oameni de nimic, ce sa mai vorbesti….. dar si cel care „pune botu'” sa spunem asa la asemenea mizerii isi merita soarta.
mi-ar placea sa ii smulg unghiile una cate una , unui „business man” din asta. am un prieten patit cu afacearea „western union”
Si capitanul Jim Ovia (primul mesaj):
I am Capt. Jim Ovia ; I will like to buy your car. Please let me have the details of the car and also your very best price.
You can attach the photo if any.
You can contact me on my email :
Capt. Jim Ovia”
Si al doilea:
I am Capt. Jim Ovia, I want to buy your car, please what is your last price for the car?
You can write me on my Email
Waiting for your respnse ASAP.
Best Regards
Capt. Jim Ovia”
Foarte tare, nu? Noroc ca nu pun botul asa usor.
Oare baietii de la Valcea sunt straini de aceste fapte ? Scenariul este asemanator cu modul lor de operare …
Am cunoscut cu anii in urma in Timisoara un hacker foarte priceput , care insela pe , cu un scop nobil … de a-si sustine fratele mai mare la o bursa de studii in America … Intre timp studiaza si el , dar la Jilava !
mai e o smecherie, el iti trimite un cec care contine mult mai multi bani decat ai cerut tu, de exemplu, tu ceri 5000 eur, el iti trimite un cec de 10000 si iti zice sa-l incasezi si sa pastrezi 7000 (pt deranj, vezi doamne) si apoi sa-i trimiti prin western union inapoi 3000, diferenta. ideea e ca el iti trimite un fals. bancile nu verifica cecurile pe loc, ci iti dau banii, cecul fiind verificat in 2 – 3 zile. tu iei banii, ii trimiti omului 3000 prin western union si astepti sa vina compania „de transport” sa ridice masina. problema e ca bancile se prind ca cecul e fals si, ghici ce, vin la tine sa-si recupereze banii. tu esti in paguba 3000 de euro din toata afacerea, plus ceva discutii cu politia samd. el s-a scos, ca western union e untraceable.
scamul se face pe obiecte scoase la vanzare pe net sau pe inchirieri apartamente. (iti trimite un cec cu chiria in avans).
asta nu e din africa, e fix din rm valcea sau alexandria :))
si iata de ce romanu` cum ii place lui mai mult zice…ce-i in mana nu-i minciuna…si nu pune botu` la asa ceva..cred ca suntem poporul care si-a luat cele mai putine tepe de felul asta si a dat printre cele mai multe tot de felul asta prin toata lumea..noi ne protejam aici cum putem si in afara ne vad toti ca pe dracu`..asta-i viata…bafta !
Da ma, da la mine e american jim ovia asta e capitan al armatei, in afganistan si lupta cu teroristii. poate ca asta e pe bune hahahahahahaaa mai ales ca are si 16 mil $$$$ din trafic cu petrol. AAAAAAAAAAAAA si mai e unu ala cu loteria mail-urilor tot asa si aia… bafta le doresc in continuare da nu cred ca au nevouie,sigur o gramada au muscat-o.
Si daca eu incasez banii de pe cec,iar dupa ce mi-i cere banca inapoi,de ce sunt obligat sa le si dau banii?
E vina mea ca verifica cecul dupa o mie de ani si ca imi dau banii aceia fara sa faca verificarea (scuze de repetare)?
Ce imi pot face?
In mod logic,nu ar trebui sa aiba,iar eu raman cu banii.
Nu am avut contacte cu bancile,de aceea nu cunosc.
am primit si eu astfel de mesaje dar nu am pus „botu”,e clar ca vor sa te traga in piept,mai ales cu limbajul si cu modul de abordare gen:adresa de mail yahoo, nr de tel inexistent ,texte agramate,etc.
…da am primit si eu asa oferta.capitanu asta are o gramada de bani..acu are 16,2 mil $$$….a mai crescut se pare…in fine,feriti-va de talhari dinastia…auzi frate…imi zice ca imi da 30 la suta din banii aia daca il ajut sa aduca bani la noi in tara ca cica vrea sa investeasca da nu stie in nu e bussines man…cred ca imi sterg anuntu de pe,ca pana acu e al doilea mail asemanator…pe site-urile din tara,n-am auzit sa fie scam-uri dinastea…
oricum „ce-i in mana nu-i minciuna” si mai sa fii mai precaut decat patit. bafta la toata lumea.
cam asa arata mailu de la dom capitan luptatator impotriva teroristilor!?!?!?!
„I have a business proposal for you.
I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Iraq come next year, I have been deployed to come and work in your country on military base soonest. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism and i will need a car for myself & that is why I contacted you.
On the other hand I want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of (16.2 million US.D) Which I got from crude oil deal here in Iraq. I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the money. And It is under my power to approve whoever that comes forth for this consignment.
I want to invest the money in your country as soon as I am deployed into your country for a good business, anyway you will advice me on that since I am not a business person. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about 3years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accepted i will be smuggle to transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary.
I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount, so I need to present someone to stand as the recipient. I am an American and an intelligence officer and for that so I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done.
Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details that you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully, i decided to find someone that is for real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured car site, where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you.
Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored but have to be sure whom I am dealing with.
If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number so I can call you for further Inquiry when I am out of our military network am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if not response after 3days I will then search for someone else.
I wait for your contact details so we can go on.I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. I hope I am been fair on this deal, get back to me with your full information:
Captain Jim Movia „
:) George nu ti se pare ca sti cam multe despre smecheriile astea?:) imi pari cam in tema cu toate chestiile astea…Nu cumva si tu te-ai ocupat candva cu asa ceva sau ai apropriati ?ca vad ca te-a contactat pe o masina care o aveai la vanzare pe nici de cum pe :) tare interesant…sa inteleg ca tu in timpul liber faci prostioare mai georgica?:)) in alta ordine de idei astia cinstitii dupa forum nu va mai dati asa afectati ca toti ati primit mesajele astea in incercarea de tepuire . Georgica daca nu ignori mesaju asta si imi raspunzi prin mail poate iti dau un material interesant pt un reportaj . Crede-ma merita.Astept raspuns:)
…Un Valcean…
aaa acum am citit si eu prostia asta…
eu sunt din alexandria…
am primit mail de la capitanul jim ovia…
pff bine ca am dat de siteul asta… oricum nu faceam afaceri cu cecuri si alte poznai… numai la fata locului…
aveam o skoda octavia care o sa se dea in curand.. oricum mi-am gasit vanzator.. saptamanai viitoare e expediata
ce roman e prost sa primeasca cecuri.. romanu frate (om destept… stie ca e lumea plina de tzepari… romanu nu comanda pe net de frica bla bla bla…
eu deja am trimis mail… cu datele masinii si datele mele de contact… adica nr de tel si id de mess
a facut careva prostia sa dea masina si sa primeasca cecuri false?… :))
a si inca o chestie jim ovia m-a contactat de pe
care e faza cu alexandria si valcea?… ce pe aici sunt ai mai mult tepari?
da sigur am primit si eu azi mai intai vroia sa imi cumpere masina doar sa ii spun ultimul pret dupa care vine cu urmatoarele vrajeli :)))))))))))))0…..
Thanks for the details and information about your car history. It seems you are a sincere person. I want to inform you that I will buy your car at your last given price.
But I have a business proposal for you.
I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism.
Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Iraq come next year, I have been deployed to come and work in your country’s military base soonest. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will need a car for myself and that is why I contacted you.
On the other hand I want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of 16.2 million USD. Which I got from crude oil deal here in Iraq and I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the money. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money.
I want to invest the money in your country as soon as I am deployed into your country for a good business, anyway you will advice me on that since I am not a businessperson. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about 3years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept, I will transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary because I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount so I need to present someone as the beneficiary. I am an American and an intelligence officer for that so I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done.
Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured car site where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities, which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you. I will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number so I can call you for further enquiries when I am out of our military network. I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3days I will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 5days the money should have been noted on your account and I will come over for my money. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. I hope I am been fair on this deal.
Get back to me with your full information:
Capt. Jim Ovia
Mailul urmator l-am primit in urma postarii unui anunt de vanzare pe site-ul E bine de stiut ca se fac asemenea inselatorii, sa se fereasca lumea.
Thanks for the details and information about your car history. It seems you are a sincere person. I want to inform you that I will buy your car at your last given price.
But I have a business proposal for you.
I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism.
Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Iraq come next year, I have been deployed to come and work in your country’s military base soonest. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will need a car for myself and that is why I contacted you.
On the other hand I want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of 16.2 million USD. Which I got from crude oil deal here in Iraq and I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the money. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money.
I want to invest the money in your country as soon as I am deployed into your country for a good business, anyway you will advice me on that since I am not a businessperson. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about 3years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept, I will transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary because I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount so I need to present someone as the beneficiary. I am an American and an intelligence officer for that so I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done.
Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured car site where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities, which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you. I will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number so I can call you for further enquiries when I am out of our military network. I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3days I will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 5days the money should have been noted on your account and I will come over for my money. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. I hope I am been fair on this deal.
Get back to me with your full information:
Capt. Jim Ovia